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Interface Core


  • CoreBase
    • Core



core: Core
flags: number

Core creation flags, see the VapourSynth code usages

maxCacheSize: number

Set the upper framebuffer cache size after which memory is aggressively freed. The value is in megabytes.


{@link RangeError | RangeError} when setting to a value less than one.

numThreads: number

The number of concurrent threads used by the core. Can be set to change the number.


{@link RangeError | RangeError} when setting to a value less than one.

plugins: "std"[]

Readonly property containing all names of loaded plugins.

std: Plugin & { BlankClip: _getOverride<[ref?: null | VideoNode, width?: null | number, height?: null | number, format?: null | VideoFormat | PresetFormat, length?: null | number, fpsnum?: null | number], { color?: null | number | number[]; format?: null | VideoFormat | PresetFormat; fpsden?: null | number; fpsnum?: null | number; height?: null | number; keep?: null | boolean; length?: null | number; ref?: null | VideoNode; width?: null | number }> }
version: string & { toNumber: any }

Returns version information as a string.

Type coercion to number and calling toNumber will give the core version as a number.


  • clearOutput(index: number): void
  • Clears a clip previously set for output.


    {@link RangeError | RangeError} when there is not a node at the specified index.


    • index: number

    Returns void

  • clearOutputs(): void
  • Clears all clips set for output in the current core.

    Returns void

  • destroy(): boolean
  • Calling this will destroy the Core instance and the environment along all obects related to it.


    {@link Error | Error} if the core was already destroyed.

    Returns boolean

  • getOutput<T>(index: number): T
  • Get a previously set output node. Throws an error if the index hasn’t been set.

    Will return either a VideoTuple containing the clip, alpha and the altOutput setting for video output or an AudioNode for audio output.


    {@link RangeError | RangeError} when there is not a node at the specified index.

    Type parameters


    • index: number

    Returns T

  • Return a read-only mapping of all outputs registered on the current core.

    The mapping will automatically update when a new output is registered on the core.

    Returns (VideoTuple | AudioNode)[]

  • getVideoFormat(id: number | VideoFormat | PresetFormat): VideoFormat
  • Retrieve a Format object corresponding to the specified id.


    {@link Error | Error} if the id is invalid.


    Returns VideoFormat

  • queryVideoFormat(colorFamily: ColorFamily, sample_type: SampleType, bitsPerSample: number, subsampling_w: number, subsampling_h: number): VideoFormat
  • Retrieve a Format object corresponding to the format information, Invalid formats throw an exception.


    • colorFamily: ColorFamily
    • sample_type: SampleType
    • bitsPerSample: number
    • subsampling_w: number
    • subsampling_h: number

    Returns VideoFormat

  • toString(): string

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